Litriú an Lae is a NEW and exciting Irish spelling and grammar series for 2nd to 6th class.

Leabhar Litriú
- Based on the ten themes of the Irish Curriculum
- Uses a dual approach (phonological and thematic) in teaching spelling
- Topic-specific language is introduced at the start of each unit and the lesson is built around this language
- Promotes use of the strategy ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ to learn new words at the start of each unit
- Features a cover flap that pupils can use to cover the spellings when practising
- Integrates a cross-curricular approach to assist teachers in planning for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the new Primary Language Curriculum
- A selection of units are based on other subjects, such as Geography, Maths and Art
- Pupils complete the exercises and record the spellings in the Obair bhaile table at the start of each unit
- The number of spellings to be practised increases as the week progresses. All the spellings should be learned by Thursday, allowing them to be tested each Friday
- Sound patterns and word families are regularly reviewed
- Children are encouraged to recognise sound patterns and record them in the grid at the back of their book
- Includes a short self-assessment at the end of each chapter using the traffic light method
- Filled with a broad range of vocabulary and highly engaging activities
Leabhar Gramadaí
- Each grammar book comprises 20 units, with each unit intended to be completed over a fortnightly period
- Written in line with the new Primary Language Curriculum
- Teaches grammar using a variety of methodologies
- Each chapter clearly shares the learning target with pupils ‘Tá mé ag foghlaim…’, keeping the lesson and pupils focused to help teachers with planning
- A short self-assessment question at the end of each chapter encourages pupils to explain what they have learned in their own words
- A review unit helps to consolidate learning after every four units
- Lots of opportunities for oral work for pupils to apply and practise what they have learned
- Contains fun and exciting written, speaking and listening activities
- Cáit Chúramach is a recurring character who frequently reminds children of the grammar rules
- Comprehensive glossaries contain lists of verbs and their translations and a summary of the main grammar rules covered in the book